We are now in Salida, CO; the season is over and I am resting, eating whatever I want (margaritas, nachos, pizza, lasagna, etc.) and riding for fun. Salida seems to be the perfect place for this. We are camped at a nice RV resort and kayaked (duckies) the river behind us with Todd's Step-Dad Chris.
Our First Century
No picture. Todd and I did our first century, Going Green, in Salida. There were ~180 riders but some did shorter loops. I drafted Todd a good bit on the way to the Cottonwood Pass climb then it was every man for themselves. I was supposed to draft him on the way out and he was going to draft me on the way back, but he didn't eat half of what I ate and I felt really strong at the end so he told me to take off. I finished 1st in 6:08, Todd finished 3rd (he took a wrong turn and added a little distance). Oh yeah, it wasn't a race.

Monarch Crest Trail, above timberline.

Todd's Mom and Step-Dad came to Salida to visit. We had a great BBQ at their cabin, lots of food and too much drink.
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