Yesterday's ride with my sister Erika and brother-in-law Dusty was perfect until Dusty hit the very last rocky section and ended up having to get ~9stitches.
I heard the wreck and went back up to find Erika tying a bandanna over his forearm and blood everywhere. There was a lot of blood in an 8-foot area and all over his arm. I took the pictures after it quit bleeding and we had cleaned him off with a gatorade/water mix. I was worried that we may have created a tourniquet and kept making sure he could still feel his fingers.

The big deal is that he is a top Semi-Pro Archer (you can make a lot more money than in cycling) and leaves for Worlds tomorrow (Aug 19th). He took it easy the entire ride so he wouldn't get hurt...
I love Brian Head. It has been two years since we've been here and it seems like more people have found out about it. Our campsite is quiet today (Monday) but was really crowded/loud this last weekend, mostly due to ATVs and loud ATV drivers. It will fill up again this weekend, especially with the stage race, but hopefully we'll get some neighbors who try to get their sleep or at least don't start yelling at 7am and run their generators till 4am. Any quiet campers headed up? I'll save you a spot.
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