left to right: Trey, Dana, Ira, Josh, Mom, Dad, Mikah, new sister-in-law Casey, Erika, brother-in-law Dusty, Aubrey, Jer, me (note the sock tan), my husband Todd, Dree. This was the "married family only" pic, it is missing Dree's long time boyfriend Josh and Dana's girlfriend Julie.

(Some) Brothers

Jer and Dad adding finishing touches to Jer's wedding gift to Mikah and Casey.
Jer and Dad are the car guys of the family and Jer is the most artistic one, the carvings on the top of the box were pretty impressive.
See the red Nissan Pathfinder in the background? That was my car when I was 16. When we moved into the motorhome I gave it to Dad, it now has ~280k miles on it and runs really well (thanks to Dad fixing it up). With all these kids, my parent's driveway looks like a used car lot. Dad keeps his hotrod and vet in the garage and there are 6+ car in the driveway.
You've got style. White socks with Little Black Dress ... :-) I wear it the same way. :-)