Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Angel Fire MSC

I have been hanging out in NM for a month now. Our plans were to head to Durango for June, but Todd has been working in Arizona, I found great riding and racing in and around Santa Fe, and I fly out of Albuquerque, NM mid June so we are still here.

Sat 29th: I hung out at the Java Joes parking lot waiting for just the right group road ride to join.  I passed up two groups including the one shown here, the Santa Fe Road Riders B ride.  They are so nice not only do they let me join them, they let an older man (who seemed a little tipsy at 8:30 am) join them with his low end mountain bike, jeans, tennis shoes, etc. They all pedaled out of the parking lot together, not sure how far he made it.

I am not the only one inviting myself on rides...

Bike N' Sport A ride store stop somewhere outside of Santa Fe

Sun 30th: I couldn't find anyone to join me so I loaded up the Ergon pack and went in search of the snow line using the Big Santa Fe Loop GPS track. Great ride up Chamisa, Windsor, Big Tesuque, then a bit of dirt road riding on Aspen Vista. Once I ran into snow it was back down Aspen Vista, down Pacheco Canyon dirt road all the way to the houses then back up to Hyde Park Road, down Big T, Windsor, and Chamisa.

Found the snow. Aspen Vista dirt snow covered road, I was able to hike around this section.

Okay, time to turn around, Aspen Vista road ~11,600feet

June 4-6th: Todd and I headed up to Angel Fire to camp and race the XC and SuperD. Seems like everyone had vehicle or bike mechanical issues this weekend, luckily we had van issues and the Scalpel ran perfectly. 

A heat wave arrived this weekend. We thought Angel Fire would be nice and cool, but we were wrong. The van air conditioner started running intermittently which we tried to ignore. Then the fuel sensor failed and we stalled out at a stop light in Taos; luckily we were able to get it started and limp, gas starved, to a parking lot.  My sister Adria called and as I talked to her Todd got out a spare fuel sensor he just happened to have in the van.  He searched around under the hood till he found the part, replaced it and we were on our way. As we pulled into Angel Fire I pulled on the door handle and it broke, Todd didn't have a spare door handle... After the races we packed up, Todd shut the van door and all the glass fell out.

XC way too hot! great course, great girls!
me, Jen, Teal

SuperD 11+ minutes all downhill, super fun!
placed 2nd (6.9seconds back) to a DH'r

Hanging out at the SuperD finishline

Durango Boys (Chad broke his chain in the SuperD)

As we got ready to leave and shut the van door all the glass fell out...

 my crankbrothers stickers on the ground

Todd headed to Tucson Monday with a busted up van...

1 comment:

  1. 'headed to Tucson Monday with a busted up van...'
    Sounds like a country/western song :D
