I just received a new camera from reelcameras.com, I am excited to try it out! Here are a few things we use helmet cameras for besides watching our own fun rides. Phones are great, but not as convenient as a helmet cam. With the right camera it is easy to set by a trail feature to record your form then review footage on the trail or during a clinic.
A lot of photos I post are screen captures of helmet cam video taken during clinics, festivals or our own rides. Plus we can contribute to produced videos with our own POV footage.
Durango Ridge Screen Capture
Trek Dirt series clinic
Durango Devo U14 Girls working on reading trail, alternate lines and skills.
So rad having you at our practice today. You are amazing :)
Posted by Tina Ooley on Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Wheelie practice at Top Secret Camp. Way to go Sadie!!!
Advocating for bringing pirate trails into the Durango trail system.
Dump jump video with Durango Devo member Jack Tescher and coaches Alisha Gibson, Anthony Diaz and Lucas LeMaire.
Thank you to Four Corners TV for covering mountain biking in the Southwest
Anthony Diaz, Riding Hogsback and Diaz Suspension Design - Click here for video

Moab Outerbike http://www.4cornerstv.com/show/breaking-point/outerbike-women-riders
More Outerbike http://www.4cornerstv.com/show/in-the-neighborhood/moab-outerbike#.VT6MtiFVhBc
Ride for Reading school visits
Yes, you can use Elmer's glue to put up a mohawk, let me show you...
Kid's Pumptrack Clinic Santa Fe, NM
Yes, you can use Elmer's glue to put up a mohawk, let me show you...
Kid's Pumptrack Clinic Santa Fe, NM
Very good post liked to read and watch videos and photos.