Casey, Mikah, me, Dana post 5k race.
Thanksgiving was spent in TN visiting my family. I hadn't seen Todd since Interbike in September, he missed out on all things Durango because of work. We were supposed to meet up in New Mexico in November but he had to postpone his trip a few days and I left for Phoenix before he got back. After Thanksgiving he flew east and I went west... It was a few fun days though! We flew in late on the 24th and had to be up and ready to run first thing Thanksgiving morning.
I didn't take a bike so the idea was to find other things to do, I started doing a few jogs in Durango so thought why not a 5k? Not the brightest idea since I had never actually ran. But I was able to talk some of my brothers and sisters into it. Todd didn't fall for the "c'mon, it'll be fun" argument but was there with the camera.
My brothers Dana and Mikah

Wow, this is a lot of people. 1400 5k and 10k runners, mass start.
Todd said I didn't look like a runner. But it was good enough for 1st place in the women's 5k. Results. After crossing the finish line a reporter came up to interview me and I said I wasn't first, two other had women crossed in front of me, but it turns out they were 10k racers (and faster than me).
Aubrey and Baby!
Casey, Aubrey, Jer, me, Dana, Dad
Day 2. Dana took me to Knoxville Fleet Feet to get sized and pick up a pair of running shoes (1st place prize). They took their time; measuring, having me walk, stand and try on different shoes as well as asking me running related questions, which I didn't really have any answers for since I am not a runner.
Super light shoes, almost feels like I don't have shoes on. They sold me a bigger size than I would have normally purchased, but they feel great.
Day 2 con't: We were all sore from the run so went to the gym. The guys decided we should do 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups and 15 squats every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. The faster you go the more rest you get between sets. I was down to 3 pull-ups pretty quickly but kept up on everything else, but we all voted to quit at 20min. After showing that I could do a pyramid headstand, Dana walked on his hands. I couldn't do it.
Then he showed us how to go from seated to standing on your hands without moving your hands from this position.
Dana in Dental school clothes
Mom and Dad

Dad's first Hot Rod is done! He is now starting a 2nd one.
Dana's Mustang
Pranks: This raw egg was in with the harboiled eggs, still not sure who did it... Egg whites all over your hands when you think you are cracking a hardboiled egg first thing in the morning is just wrong.
My Nissan Pathfinder!
My car since I was 16, it almost has 300,000 miles on it and now my Dad takes care of it for me. LOTS of road trips in that pathfinder.

Dad's first Hot Rod is done! He is now starting a 2nd one.

Dana's Mustang
Luckily Josh left his Firebird in VA and was driving a family car for all night-shopping on Black Friday...
Day 3: We were even more sore. That gym workout didn't seem like much, but I could hardly walk. So we played frisbee golf.
My brother Ira
Todd, Josh, and Mikah looking for Mikah's frisbee.
Todd with my brothers Josh, Ira and Mikah
Day 4: We went bowling.
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