Crazy muddy MTB race in Florida (it had been raining almost non-stop for 7-days). The mud pits were long and deep, so I started practicing cyclocross a bit, at least running (sludging) through the mud and trying to jump back on. I tried a dismount once but it was too nasty muddy with hidden roots and tight trees, I almost wrecked so I stuck to practicing mounting.
In addition to the mud, it was really hot and humid. My HR was really high, but my watch display was out due to yesterday's wet pre-ride so didn't know it till I looked at the download. I placed 2nd by 1.11 minutes.
It was great to do a Gone Riding race! I really enjoyed seeing Dave and Terri Berger, they always put on a great race.
Thursday October 18, 2007 - 11:35am
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